Feb 232015

I’ve got a love-hate relationship with daylight savings time. When I had a job, I hated driving home in the dark. There was nothing more depressing to me than the feeling that the day was over and I was still in the office. I was fine with going to work in the dark. I even preferred it. It seemed that I was getting a head start on the day. Coming home in the dark was a drag.

fallbackThese days I find my priorities are changed. Even in the fall with daylight savings time, on most days I sleep late enough to get up with the sun. It’s the days when I have to get up earlier that make me long for daylight savings time to be gone. Twice a week we have exercise sessions scheduled at 7:30 and to get there we leave around 7:00. While we never jump eagerly out of bed to do sit ups and squats, it’s less painful when the sun is shining.

Still whatever the benefit of daylight savings time on the economy or my mood, the change of time- even just one measly hour- twice a year messes up my body, my sleep patterns and my routines. It is difficult to decide whether after all is said and done, daylight savings time makes my life better or worse. But, no matter, since it seems that daylight savings time is here to stay, I won’t worry about ending it. For now I’ll just enjoy

 10 reasons to be happy that Daylight Savings Time is over.

 1. One hour of extra sleep

2. No more getting up in the dark

3. It’s too dark to do yard work at night.

4. The work day seems shorter

5. It’s time to start Christmas shopping

6. You can turn the air conditioner off

7. Evenings are quieter because kids stop playing in the street at night

8. It’s warm outside when you leave the house in the morning

9. I don’t have to set the clocks on all the electronics for six months.

10. I don’t have to add an hour to the clock in my car.


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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