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Ahhh Ralph has been eloquent the past few days with tales of airline travel and LA. While I believe there is a place for such things, Sometimes there need to be comment on things that we can do nothing about.
I am talking about how &*^%ing hot it has been the last few days here in Utah. Check your local listings, but it seems like September is not being the crisp fall month that I remember from my youth. Days where you actually needed a jacket in the morning and may be able to do without it by the afternoon.
This past week it has seemed like late summer here. All temps in the mid 90’s. This week is scheduled for more of the same. The air conditioner is still running and the kids are still wearing shorts. So today, I saying Down with Mother Nature and Down with the Heat!
Now there are going to be those people who say “What’s the big f’ing deal? It’s hot here too.” Same statement applies. I am not sure of Ralph’s climate but whenever I think of California it is nothing but sun and heat.
There may also be those who will give me the business about living in a basic desert state. It gets hot in the desert. My Grandpa used to live in the extreme southern Utah town of St George where the summer temps routinely hit over 110 and cool off to the low 90’s at midnight. That climate sucks.
Up here in Northern Utah we have seasons. Or we used to. Now it seems like it is just warm all of the time. Last December a flannel shirt and a Levi jacket were warm enough. “So Move.” Some of you will say. That is not an option. I would rather just bitch and hone some more cantankerousness. There is nothing to be done about Mother Nature and whatever PMS is causing this heat wave.
Is it global warming? I hope not, it will last too damn long for me. I can only hope that the thermometer bottoms out and we end up having to leave a faucet on at night so the pipes don’t freeze this winter.
All in all there is a climate for every one and you just have to deal with where you are. If you don’t like it, move. If you don’t want to move, bitch about it, no one will really care.