I have to confess that I have always loved limericks. I like the rhythm, the way you can play with the accent and push near rhymes. Finally I love the way that limericks are never serious. Nobody would ever write a love poem in limerick form. So when I sat down to compose a cantankerous post for today, my mind drifted and before you know it I was creating limericks. They aren’t masterpieces but I modestly claim them as adequate. Comments are appreciated as are any of your own limericks to complement this post.
So cantankerous was Bobby Jim,
with a physiognomy so grim
That he barely could smile
To mask lying and guile
Causing folks to stay distant from him.
Winning friends is the call of the day
Influencing them – making them stay
Dale Carnegie’s dictum
In extremis is sick-dom
Facebook friendships make Dale’s seem passe.
Middle Age Spread
Tim was lean, mean and fit- a role model
of healthy prime manhood , no twaddle,
But his appetite grew
’till his belt buckle blew
Now his swagger has turned to a waddle.