Folks…I try to make the “Tinfoil Hat Club” videos look as spontaneous as possible, but the fact is they are usually scripted. Not this time. This time I just got mad and did the video totally off the cuff…I apologize for it not being very “polished”.
Barack Obama proved he is a Saul Alinsky believer…you know, the author of “Rules for Radicals”… and that he (Obama) believes “the end justifies the means”…even if the means include intentionally inviting a terrorist attack ON PURPOSE for political gain…to promote his communist…yes, I said communist, not just socialist…agenda.
I know this show is called “The Tinfoil Hat Club”, but there are no tinfoil hat similarities here…just hard, straightforward facts that cannot be denied. My interpretation of those facts? Well…you’ll have to decide that for yourself. Continue reading »