Jul 082012

What can be better than a plethora?

Virgin Galactic Scaled Composites 348 White Kn...

Virgin Galactic Scaled Composites 348 White Knight 2 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s a mixed bag this week but somehow our crack staff have found a plethora of stories. (It’s hard to know whether the stories this week are better than average or they were just trying to get me to include ‘plethora’ in the text. I have to say that plethora is a grand word with lots of mouth appeal. Just try to say it while frowning.)

The first story is about the new private spacecraft. After the incredible back pedaling from the space frontier by NASA, it’s great to get excited again about space. NASA’s high point was the moon landing and it’s been downhill since. Thanks to Sir Richard and a few other good men, man is going back into space. It’s good timing too because we need the money being wasted by NASA to pay down the debt.


The news today is that if you want to see the future of space, the Virgin Galactic spacecraft will be appearing at an airshow. I don’t know where Farnborogh is but this is your chance.

Virgin Galactic spaceship to make Farnborough debut

Moving on to the next story, it may not be spaceflight but did you know that there is a bird that uses it’s wings to make music? This bird isn’t stuck in any ruts. Read and be inspired.

Bird sings by playing its wings like a violin

There is also good news this week. Aren’t you sick of being told you are too fat? Unless you are anorexic somebody is going to tell you to lose weight. If it isn’t your wife, it’s your doctor and now the government spends your money to put ads on television just in case you might have missed the message. Well the truth is always more complicated than the government can handle, let alone your wife. Read this story and have hope along with another donut.

Study: Extra pounds may protect heart failure patients

And finally two stories you many not need to know but if you don’t live in California you may still suffer with the delusion that your government is worth all the taxes you pay for it. California is proof that the more you pay the government the more irresponsible it is. From ridiculous regulations like this:

Overturn California’s Foie Gras Ban

To spending money they don’t have like this:

California high-speed rail gets green light

Just what California needs

These days the only dream Californians have left is to dream that they might be able to sell their house for more than they owe and move someplace with worse weather and better economics like North Dakota.


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Jul 012012


 To the cloud!

English: Breakdown of Cloud Computing Services

English: Breakdown of Cloud Computing Services (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The world today is just too darn complex. There is so much stuff going on that we just don’t understand and depend on. Complex isn’t exactly right either. Today everything is simple. You can be plugged in where ever you are. When I was a kid, only Dick Tracy had a telephone that he could carry around. These days everybody has one. And that phone has more power than the mainframes businesses used back when I started working. I don’t pretend to understand the iphone and although I do own an Android smart phone, I only use it as a calendar. People tell me that I can run spreadsheets on it and create graphics although they never explain why I would want to do these things or how to keep from going blind working on a small screen,


There is apparently no limit to what you can do with a mobile phone these days. I am constantly amazed at how completely dependent people have become on their phones I can go for days without getting a call (weeks if you only count calls I want to get). For me it is nice to have the convenience, especially as pay phoned disappear but why do I want to go through life with a phone stuck in my ear? I’ve still got a life.


One of the developments that enable all those capabilities on a tiny device is the cloud. You just don’t have the room to store things or install programs on a device you can carry around in your pocket but the creation of cloud computing allows those complicated and bulky activities to happen some where else. All you need is an internet connection. So today we can run complex activities from portable devices. You can watch movies, play video games and run elaborate software without providing much infrastructure.


All this stuff happened long before anybody bothered to tell us about the cloud and by the time we learned it was too late. We were already there. These days people are trying to catch up and put all their activities into coordination because there are many cloud platforms and they are not completely compatible. As one pundit explained, the cloud is like the electric company. When you plug in an appliance, you have no idea where the electrons running the appliance originate. You have no idea how to produce them, manage them or transport them. But you don’t care because the electric company agrees to have them available when you want them. No muss. No fuss.

In the US we expect the electric company to be reliable, meaning that the electrons will be available when we need them. They call it reliability and most everywhere, reliability is so good that we seldom think about it.

In the cloud , it is much more difficult to evaluate reliability because first, we don’t know what cloud supplier is responsible for what activity and second we think it is all being done on our device. Failure in the cloud is still unfamiliar territory but expect to see it become more of an issue as more and more of our activities move to the cloud. Big news this week was a cloud failure. It got fixed but the impact of the failure reveals how much we have become dependent on services that we cannot control. Did you notice?

Amazon Cloud Goes Down 

Clearly we all need to become more cloud savvy even when we are not selecting and purchasing cloud services for ourselves. More and more of what we do will be cloud based and knowing what the cloud is will be increasingly important. And also understanding what it is not.

Top 5 Things The Cloud Is Not

Getting out of the cloud and back to earth, we like to think that America is still a land of rugged indepent citizens fighting for individual rights against the increasing tyranny of big government. It is looking more and more like an old fashioned fantasy. We are turning into sheep. Does anybody thing that speed traps are a tool of a good and responsible government? Of course not. They are cash machines for the inefficient bureaucracies to feed their power addiction. Still you find people who just aren’t ready to wimp out.. People who know what is right and are willing to do what they can, where they can to fight back. Like this woman in Houston.

Pedestrian thrown in jail for 12 hours

Speed traps

We may not be a police state yet. But we get closer every minute. Just wait until those Cops get on the cloud.

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Jun 242012

Three stories made the cut this week. You know that our standards here at the Coot’s News Service are high. We look for positive stories that can encourage you in life and if you are a regular reader you understand that those stories are hard to find. Each week is a crap shoot but sometimes we get lucky. Today we have three stories of encouragement with ideas that can inspire you or at least keep you plugging away. Let’s start here.

What’s good about getting old? 

Old Age- you can’t fight it.

As you probably know, ‘OLD’ is our middle name here at Cantankerous Old Coots. We tray to make it a badge of honor since there is absolutely nothing we can do to change that fact. Still being old carries a lot of baggage. Nobody chooses to grow old. It just happens to be a a fact of life. There is only one thing you can do to stop getting older and the finality of doing it causes most of us to accept our fate. We make all kinds of rationalizations about getting old, trying to pretend that there is actually something good about it. It is a futile exercise but we are drawn to the effort. We want to believe even while trying to remember what it was like when all your body parts worked and the future excited you. Well today’s lead article make the case that having an old brain makes up for all that you have lost. I’m not buying it, you understand but it takes your mind from thinking about getting older or the even more unpleasant alternative.

The aging brain: Why getting older just might be awesome

Back to reality. Do you read crime novels? Reading fiction about more interesting lives is a diversion many enjoy. Thinking about committing the ‘perfect’ crime is a natural result. Maybe we would never actually attempt that perfect crime but the fantasy of trying can pass many hours. It’s probably a good thing that mystery writers make a pretty good living. Otherwise their fertile imaginations might be directed to real criminal acts. I’ve often wondered whether these writers are ever tempted to take matters into their own hands and whether the law enforcement establishment would be able to catch them if they did. Today’s second story suggests that real crime may be more difficult than the made up ones in the novels.

California Mom Accused Of Planting Drugs In Volunteer’s Car Wrote Novel About ‘Perfect Crime’

Finally just one more story I can’t resist. Every day we all get bombarded with self- improvement ideas. Who of us is perfect. We could all lose a few pounds, get in better shape, learn a new skill, be a better person. You know what I mean. It’s the American curse. We are just never good enough. There is always one more thing to do before we are who we want to be. Meanwhile, we put life on hold because until we get it all right, there is no point in moving on. Well what it we are good enough right now? What if the opportunities we pass on because we are too busy making that final tweak before reaching perfection will never come again? What if we don’t even try living while we are getting ourselves right?

What if?

So that’s the news for this week. CNS hopes that the stories made you think. As you probably know, when you get old, thinking is about all you have left.



Jun 172012
Puberty Blues

Image via Wikipedia

Next Week the coots will be Writing our monthly theme: this month, Oil Stains!  I hope Bob gets his stuff fixed so that he can unleash…he has a good one coming.  Dont forget to head over to the sidebar there on the right and vote for our April theme.  There promises to be some good stuff there also.  You can also send us suggestions, the email form is over there as well.  I would really like to write on a topic suggested by the readers.  You know who you are.  I would also like some input on the podcasts; I haven’t done one for a while and I would like to get back to it.  I do want some help though.  Topics for the podcast?  want to be a guest?  We can do that.  Send me an email and let me know.   Enough of this, onto today’s post.

This didn’t get posted last week for a number of reasons.  I am not going to count them.  Anyway, I have an interesting situation over here.  Ralph and Bob have already been through this stage but it is new for me. That stage is puberty.  For my DAUGHTER not me you tools.  Yes my 10 year old is starting that horrific  special wonderful incredibly necessary but oh my dear lord how are we going to live through the hormones shift so innocently called puberty.

While I am not exactly terrified, I am planning a fortified bunker in my basement so that I can lock her away into it.  With these hormones that are beginning to rage, I can see another form of rage building in her.  That rage is quickly becoming cantankerosity.  She has a way to go of course but I am not sure how I am going to handle this.  Do I let her develop on her own or do I give gentle nudges and tuition in Cantankerous Old Coots University?  I am leaning towards the latter.

I can see now just how valuable the lessons of Cantankerous Old Coots University are when I have someone to mold into her own coot.  She has been in training for a black belt in sarcasm for 10 years now.  She is no where near the Jedi level that I hold, but she is coming along.  Focusing hormones and rage into sarcasm and cantankerosity is a challenge that I am at least uniquely qualified for.  I have to get her away from the fatalistic attitude that she is starting to get.

It is time to form her and guide those hormones into a cantankerosity worthy of the great masters, Howard Beal, Ralph, Bob, Redd Fox and others.  But she still has to be a decent girl that people will want to hang out with.  Someone who will bring boys home that I won’t have to bury in the backyard after the first date.  There is a particular challenge there, she is a good person now, but I can see how easily she could rebel and turn into….well…that girl I need to lock in the basement.

So, what to do?  The first step is a deep breath.  Next, subtle guidance to channel the onslaught of hormones into something productive.  I see her own blog in the near future.  After that, more deep breaths and the lessons of Cantankerous Old Coots University.  If you haven’t checked them out, you really should.

Thanks for your support and remember that tuition dollars are due by the end of March.



Jun 102012
United Nations

Image by Ashitakka via Flickr

From the latest UN Report on  World Economic and Social Survey 2011

“Recently, a number of studies have put increasing emphasis on the fourth argument above for limiting growth in developed countries. To make their case, many of them presented evidence from cross-country data showing that the quality of life does not improve much beyond a certain level of per capita income. For example, taking life expectancy as an objective measure of the quality of life, it can be seen that life expectancy does not increase much beyond a per capita income level of about $10,000. Similarly, as indicated in chapter III of this Survey, cross-country evidence suggests that there are no significant additional gains in human development (as measured by the human development index.) beyond the energy-use level of about 110 gigajoules or 2 tons of oil equivalent per capita.

Quality of life does not necessarily increase beyond a certain level of material consumption …… suggesting that developed countries could focus on quality-of-life issues rather than on material growth.”

Butt out, United Nations!

If you are as long in the tooth as this old coot, you probably remember when the UN was the hope of the world. Heck, the US practically created the UN as part of it’s missionary urge following the horrors of WWII. I was a kid then and I remember collecting money for UNICEF (The United Nations children’s Fund). It all seemed so wonderful, making the world a better place and all. That was then. This is now. It used to seem like a good idea for the US to pay for the UN in order to teach the world about civilization, human rights and democracy. Talk about pearls before swine!  The inmates took over the asylum, they turned on us and it’s been downhill ever since.


These days, the UN is nothing but an an embarrassment. It’s like your urbane, suave brother-in-law that can’t manage to hold a job. We’ve set them up in a posh, east-side skyscraper in New York City where they do nothing but embarrass us with stupid decisions and self-righteous pronouncements. Putting North Korea in charge of nuclear disarmament is a good example. You might as well put Casey Anthony in charge of a foster home.  So how could it get worse?   Stay tuned.

They want to pull us down to their level.

These days the UN is on a mission advocating nanny state hysteria and demanding frugality and green living. It won’t take responsibility for its own failures so it needs to force us to fail too.  Their latest report, World Economic and Social Survey 2011: The Great Green Technological Transformation says we earn too much money and use too much energy and they want to make us reform using statist government mandates. (It worked so well in the Soviet Union.) They are going to solve all the worlds problems by reducing the developed countries to third world status.Why anyone would think that reducing our energy use to the level of Bangladesh would make the world a better place, beats me but that’s what they propose. We’re supposed to be embarrassed by success and go cower in a cave with the savages.  When they get the US down to subsistence, are they expecting China to drive the world economy? Why not?

To the UN, economic development is evil- or at least wasteful while they refuse to recognize and condemn real evil.  It’s time to stop enabling this nonsense and pull our support.  Let them set up shop in Bangladesh and keep the money here.  Applying that money to keeping our economy going will do far more to help the world than UN bureaucrats and their statist diktats.