Nov 262014

Another week of “non-funny” political news…this is getting old.  Looking at silly government stupidity is a lot more fun!

This week I have a show for you that is duplicated across 4 sites…JuicyMaters, Common Sense Conversation, and Haylestorm Interactive, along with being here at Cantankerous Old Coots.  It’s not that I’m too lazy to do separate shows this week…though that IS an incentive…it is that it is a message everyone who uses the internet needs to be familiar with.

Anyway…some of you might have noticed many sites on the internet were protesting something called “SOPA” Wednesday.  Some sites like Wikipedia were completely gone for the day.  Some sites, like da Coots, had an opening page about the protest that visitors could click through to get to the site.  And then, there were site owners who did nothing.  Ralph, Justin, and I felt the issue was important enough to take Coots dark.  Here is why:


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Up with poetry!

 Posted by at 11:48  Up With
Nov 262014
Oscar Wilde, three-quarter length portrait, fa...

Image via Wikipedia

Especially BAD poetry. 

All bad poetry springs from genuine feeling. Oscar Wilde

When you are learning about blogging, you will listen to most anybody that seems successful. When I started out, that was anybody who had been blogging longer than I had. So I stumbled around quite a bit in the early days before I found my ‘voice’. I listened to all kinds of advice, particularly about improving my writing skills. Since I thought I was a pretty good writer, I tended to avoid the really hard stuff like writing serious pieces with structure and logic. What I preferred was the stuff you could just wing. One of the ideas I actually pursued was the suggestion that you could learn about writing by writing poetry, even bad poetry.

I have never in my life been very much attracted to poetry. I hate the kitschy rhyming cliches in greeting cards and I can’t understand the free flowing stuff from the ‘real’ poets. Sometimes Shakespeare gets through but mostly I’m a lost cause for poetry. So naturally the idea of writing ‘bad’ poetry was very tempting. How could I go wrong?

My preference is limericks. I know that they are lowbrow but they have the only rhythm that I understand and they are usually humorous. So that is where I started. I posted them on my blog feeling that I shouldn’t waste all that effort. Here is an example.


Blogger Jack

There once was a blogger named Jack

Whose writing was loaded with drack

His intelligence was shorte

For cliches were his forte

SEO kept Jack’s jack in the black.

If that isn’t bad enough for you I have a whole page full of bad poetry you can check out.

But even worse, earlier this year Justin got the hare brained idea that we weren’t high brow enough here at COC and he gave us one of his ultimatums. He demanded that we all write haiku for our weekly posts. Poetry wasn’t enough for Justin. He needed us to write in inscrutable oriental mode. He demanded haiku. Well one thing a Coot learns early on is don’t mess with Justin so whatever crazy idea he comes up with, the Coots deliver. So we wrote cantankerous haiku like the one below.

Boring, routine day

Take the road less traveled

Be cantankerous

So if writing bad poetry was any clue about good writing, the Coots would have a Nobel Prize or at least a Pulitzer. We’re still waiting for the phone call.

Nov 262014

This site is not going to tell you not to blog.

We also are not going to blow smoke at you and keep filling your little head with dreams of getting rich quick while eating ice cream in your underwear and only working for an hour a day.  Not including bathroom breaks.

We are also not going to give you advice on how to blog, how to set up a site or how to run it into the ground.  We are not going to tell you, well we probably will tell you how neat we are.  The Consortium of Coots is pretty neat.  Don’t forget it or I will crash your system.

This site is to tell stories and vent grievences.  To tell how it is without regard for anyones feelings.  If your feelbads get hurt while you are here, then you probably do not belong her in the first place.  How’s that for Cantankerous.

This site exists to be something a bit different in Blogistan.  Maybe like your strange Uncle that shows up to the family reunions and just lurks in the corner waiting to regale the young ones with stories of the past.

I intend to post Manly topics like skinning game and setting snares.  Topics that will make strong men weep freely like the loss of a good dog or the benefits of duct tape and zip ties.

If you are easily offended, get out.  If you want to be offended and argue, bring it on.  Comments are always available and contact forms abound on the site.  My email is

Just be aware, comments and contention will probably lead to a guest post request so get something ready.

That is all.


Nov 262014

A courtesy notice from the friendly Solano County Superior Court got my juices flowing  and when you get to be my age anything that gets those juices flowing is a good thing.  Still I’m not sure that protecting my safety is the prime directive here.

Anybody out there share my pain?

Nov 262014
Curtiss P-40 Tomahawk

Image by cliff1066™ via Flickr

…which would be understandable, I suppose.  After all, He DOES have a lot to keep up with.

There’s the whole Libya thing, and Obama’s confusing statements about what is going on over there.  He says Kaddafi HAS to go, then says we aren’t targeting him personally.  Uh huh…that Tomahawk poked its nose under his tent flap on accident, right?

“Shit!  Missed Kaddafi, but got that punk-ass kid of his!”

And what is it the White House wants us to call what we are doing?  Not war.  No…they say this is a “kinetic military action”.  Huh?  Over 125 Tomahawk missiles (at $1.5m each) raining down on MY head would be war…and I just might lose that one.  Obama can call it what he wants, but when the military does what it’s designed to do…break things and kill people (as opposed to what it’s used for a LOT these days, a global Meals-on-Wheels Program)…it’s called war.

Ask Kaddafi what HE calls it.

Speaking of Lybia…

“Hey Bob!  I thought this post was about God’s being confused!”

“Shaddup Justin…you too, Ralph…I’m getting’ there…”

As I was sayin’ BEFORE being so rudely interrupted…speaking of Libya, since when does the United States, supposedly the most powerful nation on earth, have to get the permission of the frogs, the limeys and the UN to go kick some bully’s ass?

(Did ya hear this one…Question: “Why do the French plant large, overhanging trees along their main boulevards?”  Answer: “Because the Germans prefer to march in the shade.”)

Anyway, the way I know God is confused is the weather.  Yep, the weather.

You know that old saying “April showers bring May flowers?  Well, apparently God thinks it’s April already.  It’s been raining here for four days, and is forecast to rain for ten more.

We ARE supposed to get a break…from 2:00 to 2:15pm on Thursday.  Anybody got some SCUBA gear I can borrow?