Feb 102015

My aunt sent me this in an email and after a quick check the numbers seem about right.  If you were not mad before you will be.  See Sidebar Video.

From an ER doctor

Remember I live and work in a border state overrun with illegals; they make more money having kids than we earn working full time.

Today I had a 25 yr old with 8 kids ~  that’s right 8! All are illegal anchor babies, and she had the nicest nails, cell phone, hand bag, clothing. etc. She makes about $1500 monthly for each; do the math.

I used to say “we are the dumbest nation on earth.”  Now I must say and sadly admit, YOU are the dumbest people on earth (that includes me) for we elected the idiot idealogues who have passed the bills that allow this. Sorry ~ we need a revolution! Vote em all out in 2010!








This is an insult and a kick in the butt to all of us….

Get mad and pass it on – I don’t know how, but maybe some good will come of this travesty.

If the immigrant is over 65, they can apply for SSI and Medicaid and get more than a woman on Social Security, who worked from 1944 until 2004.

She is only getting $791 per month because she was born in 1924 and there’s a ‘catch 22’.

It is interesting that the federal government provides a single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1,890.  Each can also obtain an additional $580 in social assistance, for a total of $2,470 a month.

This compares to a single pensioner, who after contributing to the growth and development of America for 40 to 50 years, can only receive a monthly maximum of $1,012 in old age pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement.

Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees!

Consider sending this to all your American friends, so we can all be ticked off and maybe get the refugees cut back to $1,012 and the pensioners up to $2,470.  Then we can enjoy some of the money we were forced to submit to the Government over the last 40 or 50 or 60 years. And not to receive an increase for 2010!! Vote them all out of office!!!

Please forward to every American to expose what our elected politicians have been doing the past 11 years to over-taxed Americans.

Liberty, sir, is the primary object, …the battles of the Revolution were fought, not to make ‘a great and mighty empire’, but ‘for liberty’. Patrick Henry

Feb 102015

Tuesday I read a great post by Frank Kern. He talks about doing things for yourself and being your own Guru. There should be no one you can blame for your own failures.
In society today there are far too many people who feel that they are entitled to money or things that they don’t work for. It is a load of horse crap. My generation is the beginning of that “hey look my hand is out give me something” mentality that frankly makes me sick.

Certain family members that I have are so bad that I would love to see a huge cosmic slap in the face come to them. Sure charity is a good thing but if you do nothing yourself, nothing for yourself and do not work hard for what you have you can neither appreciate it or be grateful for what you have.

Hold your hand out to me and I will probably fill it with bullshit because that is what you deserve.  Ask me for help to accomplish YOUR goals, I will bend over backwards to do so.

Read Franks post here and realize that it is all up to you so quit whining and get to work

Think Before You Tweet

 Posted by at 11:44  rants
Feb 102015

I am getting ready to blast someone I actually like…and it almost hurts me. This person has been very good to me, and given words of encouragement a time or few. However, last night, he Tweeted something out that just made me see red. He’s generally a decent guy, but without context the tweet was just plain idiotic.

He is a Digital Emperor, and has a lot of awesome things going for him. He’s just released his first Iphone app. He’s got a great music service going and he has a blog. Yup, he’s a blogger and much more. Something I am striving to be. Let’s take a look at the tweet, then I will say why it peeved me off.

I don’t need another blog to read…what I need is another “doer of great shit” that I can admire.

As I said, I like Nathan. I can also see his point. However, without context, the comment seems to indicate he thinks he is above reading “new to him” blogs. May or may not be true. If I were a new follower who was embarking on my adventure in blogging, that would make me wonder if I was doing the right thing. It would upset me that someone I admired might never look at my blog until I got to the big time..if that was my aim and I got there.

Yes, we could use more people doing great things. Yet we all have to start somewhere. Nathan him self started out writing articles for a paltry sum each in order to fund his business start up while he was in Afghanistan as a member of the US Military. His story is inspiring to say the least.

However, just because you’ve “made it” does not mean you can say or do anything you want! We should think of others and help them. Nathan is great for helping those who cross his radar. However,  I think he should have thought a moment before posting the tweet in question. If someone like me, who admires and respects him, found that post off putting…imagine a newbie bloggers reaction. Especially with all the talk of the blogosphere being saturated! In this case, I think he could have done a lot more harm than good.

Here’s the kicker for me…I doubt he will care. He spoke his mind and will stand by it. The two of us and some others were in an almost heated discussion on another blog…and he came off as very narcissistic to some of us. There are times it seems Nathan has a hard time seeing others points of view. I sometimes wonder if the nice guy or the asshole is the real Nathan Hangen. The jury is still out for me on that one for now.

I know that one of the reasons his comment hit me hard is that I am working on becoming a do’er of great things. My start on that is building a great blog, and then moving on to great products. It’s going to take time, so I am depending on others to want another blog to read as I move up to a doer of great things. A LOT of people use this model these days. It would be easier to do it the other way around, but this is the most cost efficient way for me. And it pisses me off when it seems someone is knocking what I do. Most especially when they are doing the same darned thing.

So here’s my points for the day:

  1. Think before you tweet (or post to other social media)! You don’t have to keep it nicey nice, but don’t be a friggen hypocrite.
  2. Be very careful not to put people you admire on a pedestal. It will come back and bite you in the ass.
  3. Grow a thick skin if you are going to be doing something new to you. It will help you weed the naysayers from people with legitimate advice.
  4. Don’t depend on anyone’s thoughts to validate you or what you are doing. If you are, then you’re on shaky ground.
  5. Learn to call out the bullshit when you see it. It just feels good to tell it like it is.

Down with Politicians!

 Posted by at 11:44  Down with
Feb 102015


“My choice early in life was either to be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politician. And to tell the truth, there’s hardly any difference.” Harry S. Truman

It’s less than a month until the election and I can’t wait until it is over. In California, elections are just like elections in China. It doesn’t really matter how you vote because the Democrats will win. Oh, you will find the occasional Republican but they are just eunuchs kept around just to keep us mindless sheep believing that they have a choice. The only Republicans you see these days are neutered and declawed house pets whose existence is tolerated only because they are powerless and evil. Those few Republicans don’t matter because Democrats run all the governments, government agencies and boards and wield the real power in the State.. California is insolvent, hamstrung by over regulation and irrational as a menopausal woman but since Republicans are universally regarded as dictatorial nut jobs who want to tell everybody else what to do, the good citizen’s of California continue to vote for the ‘nice’ Democrats as the state rushes over the proverbial fiscal cliff.

Nothing much can save California from it’s fate. Wave to us when we go down.

Still the election is annoying. But it’s not the politicians. We don’t get any Presidential campaign ads here because Hell will freeze over before a Republican candidate wins the state. The President only comes here to raise money from the glitterati. There is no need to campaign.  We do have a Senator running this year but she won’t deign to hold a debate with her challenger and she certainly doesn’t need to spend her money on advertising in one-party China—err California. In any other state, she would be in trouble. Heck, she’s 79. She probably can’t hold a thought in her head these days but in the Senate, it hardly matters. She is a grand party hack and we can look forward to seeing her drooling and nodding on C-Span for another six years. At least she used to matter unlike our other Senator who was never brighter than a concrete block.

But it’s not the elections.

http://www.pasadenaweekly.com/cms/story/detail/left_coast/11549/So, it’s not the elections or the candidates that annoy in California. We are spared all that. No, the big annoyance in California is the initiatives. Initiatives are where the people (read big corporations and scions of corporate fat cats) create confusing and emotion-laden amendments to the State constitution. Initiatives have always been big in California but lately it seems that the only important decisions come from this process, not from our highly paid, full time legislature. These folks, who you wouldn’t hire to flip burgers can’t be bothered with making and keeping a budget. They have more important duties to perform- like deciding what our schools ought to teach, what our kids can eat at school and whether we can get plastic bags at the grocery store. They leave the fiscal matters to the voting public. This election we have eleven State measures for consideration- three of them tax increase measures.

Do they think we are stupid?  Hell yes they do.

To me it is ridiculous to even ask Californians to pay more taxes. We already have the highest taxes in the Country and what we get for those taxes is the most arrogant and abusive bureaucrats money can buy. More tax money will only make it worse and if all the money we pour down the rat hole of public education can’t raise the performance of our schools, why should we give them any more?

The other propositions are a mixed bag of feel good overload. They want to repeal the death penalty to mirror the reality of our failing judicial system that prevents us from effectively punishing bad guys. They want to water down three strikes and protect us from genetically engineered foods. I don’t so much mind voting on these measures as I do the criminal misrepresentation in the advertising. Tax increases will always go for schools in the ads whatever the measure actually says. It takes days of analysis to decipher the intent of each since both the for and against explanations are complete fabrications. I generally conclude that the safest action is to vote no. In most cases, it will keep things from getting worse.

Take Warning! California is doomed.

So that’s the election perspective from the land of fruits and nuts on the left coast. Californians still believe that the Golden State is an inspiration for the nation instead of a dead weight anchor and so we continue one-party rule, slow decline into third world status and squandering what is left of our money on idealistic foolishness like the bullet train. I still hope for signs of intelligent life among the voters here but I certainly won’t hold my breath. Unless the voters tell the politicians where to stick their tax increases, I won’t believe that California can come back. But then if the President is reelected, there won’t be anything to come back to. California will have led the way again.