Cantankerous in Texas

 Posted by at 16:15  Reflections, Texas
Dec 262018
Texas Neighbors

Sloughing off the California skin

This coot finally had enough. The creeping cancer of government overreach in California finally forced me to sell our house in California and relocate to Texas. Texas wasn’t my first choice until I began to see how all the pretty states have been occupied by progressives.

Not to say that Texas is ugly or anything but it is an acquired taste. Texans are just as ‘full of themselves’ as Californians but for different reasons. I can’t abide California’s smug superiority any longer because the scales have long ago fallen from my eyes and I see the snake pit it has become. The jury is still out on Texans but since it took me 50 years to wake up to what a disaster California had become, I probably won’t live long enough to see Texas fall.

When I came to California in 1970, it was the ‘best’ state in the country. Roads, schools, government- whatever. I was stupid not to see how Jerry Brown would destroy the state. He stopped building freeways (because building freeways only encouraged more people to drive). That policy extended to all infrastructure including power plants so that today California doesn’t have enough water, power, roads, airports, etc for a state as big as California. In spite of Prop 13 -which allowed me to own a house which I bought for $185k in 1978 and sold in 2004 for $1.2m while remaining a middle class income earner- I saw no future staying in California. Sooner or later even progressives will see the rot.

I got out of Dodge last summer with no regrets.

Texas looks good on paper but I remain concerned for the future with the plenitude of Robert Francis election signs in my neighborhood. I am afraid that Texas is prime to be overrun with liberals too stupid to realize that their politics will destroy the state. Or maybe too stupid to care.

Mar 272018

A long, long time ago, right here on our own little ball joy that we call Earth there were some really smart guys who invented computers.  Days went by and years passed and those computers went from room sized behemoths to little buggers you can hold in your hand and have room left over for a cheeseburger.  Holes in paper cards were replaced with typed commands and now you can use your finger to do things.  Who would have thunk it?

Rembrandt - The Flayed Ox - WGA19252

Rembrandt – The Flayed Ox – WGA19252 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

During all of this time, when programs were developed for these computers that did more than say yes or no or calculate what 7 X 4 is (28 for you kids who didn’t bother to memorize times tables), people wanted to get into other people’s stuff.  Thus, the hacker was born.  Basically a modern day pirate that probably deserves to be castrated and flayed alive.  For you young’uns out there, being flayed alive is where they basically take the skin from your body while you are wearing it.  I can only hope that the saltwater bath afterwards keeps the germs out.

This week I found out that all of my websites have been infected with malware.  Some sack of *ok, this part you will have to imagine, this blog is only PG-13 rated* infected my sites with some stupid program that tries to make a backdoor into them.  Because they can get so much from my blogs and info sites.  One of the myriad of things that bothers me is that some of these have been going on for a few years, and I had no idea.  I went into the other details over on if you care.  The short of it, I spent the weekend getting rid of some little piece of *again imagine*’s code that was trying to hijack me.

I can only hope that it was a *you know by now* that was at least over 18 doing it.  I am not sure if my brain can handle a 14 year old doing this.  So now, I finally have my sites back, and they work, and I have got the security plugins working correctly.  I am almost sure that it is illegal to hunt these hackers down and make them look like the picture over there, but if I have a chance…things happen, I’m just saying.

Anyone have experience with crap like this?  Let’s rant together down in the comments.

Too long.

 Posted by at 13:43  Reflections
Nov 172016

It’s one thing to be cantankerous when the world seems under control and quite another when you are sinking into chaos.  The past year has revealed the mission of the progressive takeover of the Democratic party as our President continueimagesd the destruction of the American way.  Cocky and rebellious is fun when you still have hope that all is not lost. Cocky and rebellious sucks when one by one the lifeboats sink and the ship goes farther
and farther under water.

Trump was not my first choice for President and I was so mindf***ed by the chimera of Republican orthodoxy that he seemed not only a ridiculous choice but an impossible one.  Despite my despair at the state of government after 30 years of Republican refusal to stand for principles and the progressive encroachment on every aspect of American life, I still had some faith in the self-identified  conservative aristocracy which had claimed to know the way even though they refused to take any action.

Today I am liberated.  I cancelled my subscriptions to ‘conservative’ publications.  I reject virtually everybody that I had respected and I unabashedly endorse and support Donald Trump to make our country great again.

Mar 312015

Birthday, Cake with candles

Image via Wikipedia

Hello everyone. Well, why you are waiting for the next installment from the coots, it has come to my attention that Monday has been gathering cobwebs around here. I guess it is either up to me to change that or delegate it to someone else.

As for today, Facebook has informed me that this is the day that Bob was dug out from under a rock somewhere in the back country and mercilessly prodded into a lifetime of Cantankerosity.

Finally, a thing that Facebook is actually good for. At any rate we here at the Coots, well at least me and I would assume Ralph but his cantankerous button has been turned up to high lately, would like to wish our colleague Bob a Happy Birthday.

I will have to come up with some fancy song like in one of those restaurants who can’t bring themselves to go traditional because of pending charges from Michael Jackson. Wait, Michael is dead, who got all of the Beatles songs and Happy Birthday rights?

Well, happy birthday Bob, I don’t expect tomorrows live broadcast to be too cantankerous, it was just your Birthday after all. But then again, last week all of his plumbing in the yurt tried to go to hell on him.

There is no telling with Bob.

Happy Birthday Brother,

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Down with Taxes

 Posted by at 14:10  Down with
Mar 312015

It’s that time of year.

It ought to get easier eash yera.  It never does.

It ought to get easier eash yera. It never does.

Every year I vow to get the agony over early. There is nothing pleasant about preparing taxes. Even getting money back only means you let the government take even more than they say is proper. It’s still way too much. This year I thought I was ahead of schedule but when I began to dig out all my paperwork, I discovered that I last year’s filing was already off my desk by this time last year. I certainly don’t get any pleasure from seeing that file on the corner of my desk as I focus on more pleasant tasks. I don’t know why I can’t just suck it up and get it done early. Maybe I just enjoy the agony. Continue reading »