You have to make a decision here, folks. Is the south as conservative as folks think, or as stupid?
The city council in Jacksonville, NC might help you answer than question.
Sometimes you get an answer you really don’t want…
The EU (European Union for all you folks who live under a rock) has don’t it’s best to ruin Europe financially…and they have done bang-up job of it.
Now, as though European-style socialism weren’t bad enough, they take balloons away from kiddies!
Oh well…maybe it’s caused a “law of unintended consequences” moment…the former British PM has had enough, it seems. John Major is calling for the reigning in of EU powers.
Yeah, yeah, yeah…so I’ve missed a few Mondays. Well…I’m here today with something new…
All seriousness aside…there are two differences on the Monday posts:
1.) They’ll be more regular (I promise!)
2.) Mondays will be all video, all the time.
The videos will have me in them…of course you’ll enjoy them!
Todays show includes:
A shoutout to a regular Cantankerous Old Coots visitor. Is it you?
Some things the Monday videos will include as topics.
ONE thing they will not have as a topic.
And the topic de jour…Carmegeddon.