
Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

Oct 052011

“Getting out of bed in the morning is an act of false confidence. ”        Jules Feiffer

There is an odd mix here at COC. You’ve got Justin, the kettle bell virtuoso who’s still changing diapers, Bob, the reluctant Luddite turned podcast mogul and yours truly, the retirement lifestyle guru and philosopher who’s about ready to start changing diapers all over again. I can remember being a youngster like Justin. It wasn’t pretty with two kids, a hefty mortgage and an image of a sophisticated and comfortable lifestyle to project. It’s not a pleasant memory. Each day I struggled to appear confident and secure while inside I was scrambling to hold it all together. In those days, there were people, I wanted to impress. I wasn’t sure who they were or why it would matter but the very idea that somebody would be impressed kept me going as each day presented more problems and obstacles.

What kept me going was fear, pure and simple. I was the only person holding the world together. If I collapsed, what would become of my wife and sons? Much as I might want to hide under the covers each morning, I was unwilling to face the consequences of giving up. So each morning I got up and forged ahead. I was doing what I had to do;what society demanded of me; what my family needed. At least that is what I had been brainwashed to believe.

Looking back, I wonder how it might have been different. I picked a tony suburb so my kids would get the best education and go to college. I didn’t anticipate how the progressive education agenda in California would affect my sons. They pretty much decided that education was crap and refused to go to college. I can’t say I blame them but it just goes to show how messed up your thinking can get when you put yourself on automatic pilot.

But what about getting out of bed?

Well so much for the trip down memory lane. Here I am, retired with a comfortable lifestyle but wanting to do more. The kids are on their own, being responsible and showing more guts than their old man at the same age even without the crutch of a college degrees. Somehow, that part worked out but what about today? What keeps me going? With just my wife and me to worry about, how’s the getting out of bed going these days?

I’d say that it’s pretty much the same. What have I got to look forward to each day when each day I notice a bit more how my body is breaking down? Who knows how many years I have left and how many of those years will be ‘good’ ones. And, what the heck is a good year anyway? These days I mostly roll over and try to forget how much pain I’ve got and what I need to do today. It’s a big temptation to just roll over and go back to sleep.

Still what gets me up is the hope of another satisfying day with some accomplishment. I still want to discover ways to make the most of the few years I have left. This means that each day I must exercise my body to maintain as much strength and mobility as I can. And I work on business activities to build more income to support the lifestyle I want to have.

Dealing with life

Everything is futile in the long term but I keep at it anyway. It’s what I know. It’s what I’m good at (or at least what I believe I am good at).

Here lies Ralph. He kept getting up each day- until he didn’t.

Maybe it will be my epitaph? Still, I get up. And will continue to get up—until I can’t.





Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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Oct 022011
ballot box

Image via Wikipedia

It’s unanimous!

Well, our readers have spoken- all two of them and it’s unanimous. Nobody defended our practice of selecting the best good news stories each week to highlight here at COC. With no equivocation they say, “Give me a rant!”

While we do aim to please here at COC, it is an open question who should be the recipient of that pleasure. We’ve never bought the notion that the customer is always right. Still with only two customers who care enough to actually vote, can we afford to piss them off? I’d take the question to the editorial board here but frankly between Bob’s weekend visitation and Justin’s kids, Saturday is just not a good day for decisions. If this week’s edition is going out, it’s up to me to stop dithering.  As they say, If it is to be, it’s up to me. So what’s it going to be? A good rant or more news. I say, lets have both.

Sometimes I just amaze myself.

Florida holds fast to January 31 primary date

The first story I turned up this week is about the Florida legislature deciding to move their presidential primary earlier. They want to hold it on January 31. Now you might say to yourself, “Self, what do I care when those sun crazed loons in Florida hold their primary?” And your reasonable self might answer. “You know, self, I don’t give a rat’s ass when those sun-crazed loons vote.” But that’s not the problem. The problem is that residents of four states get special treatment. Only four states get to hold their primary elections before March 6 and therefore decide the frontrunner. The rest get second class billing.  And we all get stuck with the losers those teacher’s pet states pick.  

“Who are those four?” you ask “and why are they special?” The four special status states are Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and South Carolina. Voters in those states basically get to decide who gets selected as the Republican presidential candidate. I thought we were all equal here.

This year, Florida says that it wants to matter. So they are moving their primary election before March 6 so that Floridians can join the chosen few voters that matter. Now you have to agree that it would be hard to pick out four kinkier states than the four special states and if you wanted to add a fifth nut job state, Florida could certainly hold it’s own but that’s not really the point. When it comes to picking a presidential nominee, why should some states get more pull than others?

I’ve heard that it’s all about money. Apparently by putting the early campaigning in small states, the candidates can save money. Well, all I can say is that if we picked the four smallest states, none of them would be included. The four smallest states are Wyoming, Vermont, North Dakota and Alaska. There must be something else. Maybe the voters in those states are smarter, making them better qualified for picking the best candidates. Maybe that’s it. Just looking at the rates of high school graduation as a proxy for smart voters, we find that Iowa is number one in high school graduation but the other three states are at the bottom. That can’t be the reason either. Let’s face it, there is no good reason that these states deserve any special status in picking our president. And there is no reason why Florida shouldn’t have just as much say as South Carolina. And while we are thinking about it what about the Coots home states of California, Utah and Georgia.  (That’s a scary thought, isn’t it?)

Put me on record saying that I’ve had it with candidates picked by those four teacher’s pet states. As far as I’m concerned, those four states are responsible for the sorry state of our country and the pandering, mealy mouthed politicians that we somehow get stuck with. Whatever reason there might be for giving those states first dibs on selecting candidates, it is clear that it was a piss-poor idea and their record should disqualify them from future voting.

I don’t know why any states should get more pull but I do know that if there are any states that shouldn’t have it, those states are Nevada, Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. Considering the political mess we are in, I’m inclined to say that they should be banned from voting altogether but for now, I’d settle for making them vote last. If you have to have any states voting first, then there shouldn’t be any favorites at all, just pick the early primary states out of a hat. And leave those four teacher’s pets out of the drawing altogether.  Maybe even banish them to Canada.  Let them learn to vote in French.



Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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Down with Labor Day

 Posted by at 08:41  Down with
Sep 282011

Labor Day is a symbol of the great cancer of America today – Unions.

Coots like a three day weekend as well as anyone even though retired coots have three day weekends anytime they like even in the middle of the week. Labor Day used to be a nice transition between summer vacation and back to work and school in the fall. These days it is just a burp in the organized chaos that is 21st century America.

As a kid, it never had significance to me. My father explained that it was a holiday to celebrate workers. It made sense to me. Everybody I knew was a worker. It seemed like the American thing to do – honor everybody. I don’t remember ever doing anything other than a family get-together. Never attended a Labor Day Parade – or thought about anything deep regarding Labor Day– until this year while pondering the breakdown of the American economy.

But what does Labor Day really mean?

I started thinking about the name – Labor Day and I Googled it which led to the Wikipedia entry with these surprising facts. Grover Cleveland originated the holiday in capitulation to the labor unions back in the 1890’s. It was no different from the May Day celebrations of the communists – it just happened in September leaving most Americans totally ignorant about its sinister and un-American origin.

The Rape and Pillage of America

Over my lifetime, I have seen labor unions destroy American industry beginning with steel and culminating with the death gasp of the American automobile manufacturers this year with the union buyout of GM and Chrysler. What seemed in the 50’s to be a benign counter-balance to corporations has metastasized into a ravenous cancer whose only interest is member benefits. The death of American industry forced unions to move their focus into the next growth industry – government. As a government employee for over 30 years, I witnessed the forced unionization of all government workers in California. Because when the government is unionized, the fox indeed watches the hen house, union supported political hack elected officials have drained away the lifeblood of legitimate services to support unsustainable employee benefits leaving us with well-paid employees that produce nothing of value – witness our schools.

Unions never get enough – they even suck the corpses they killed.

The fiscal ruin of California is a good example of the great cost from unrestrained unions with unlimited ability to buy politicians and no accountability to their members about how they spend their booty. And it is no mystery that the unions have bought candidates for all elected posts to make sure they keep control of the corpse.

Join the Coot Freedom from Labor Day Movement!

This Coot will be celebrating Labor Day by cooking some tasty Missouri Style spare ribs with my family and anticipating some good Football games and crisp weather. Along with all the fun and frivolity, however, I am going to be celebrating my personal Freedom From Labor Day and starting a campaign to defeat every political hack that takes any union money this November. This Coot will be focused over the next two months in doing my part to take away the cancer of union control of our government, If you want to join the Coot movement to take back our country from union control, leave a comment and sign up for our mailing list. Down with Labor Day. Up with Freedom From Labor Day!

Oh, if you still like unions, let me know why?


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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Sep 212011
NEW YORK - JULY 23:  Copies of the New York Ti...
Image by Getty Images via @daylife

What do you do when you can’t count on USA Today for your headlines. So far, this Coot has depended on USA Today to point to the big stories of the week. Today, however USA is behind the times.  Their top story reveals the secrets of Black Friday. Someone needs to tell USA Today that Black Friday was two days ago. It’s old news. Coots learn to be resourceful however so today we are turning to the doyen of news media, the old gray lady, The New York Times. We will be more selective with the stories since the NYT seems to think that more stories are important than does USA Today.


F.B.I. Says Oregon Suspect Planned ‘Grand’ Attack

The FBI caught a young Somail- born US ctizen attempting to bomb a tree lighting ceremony in Portland Oregon. They discovered the young man’s interest in jihadist activities and assisted him with his dream project- bombing an event with lots of children. He is reported to have said that Oregon is a good place to bomb because nobody pays any attention to Oregon. I guess he is not a football fan.

New Chairman Seeks More Power for U.S. Watchdogs

The new Republican majority in the House of Representatives will focus on finding waste and duplication in government programs. The new chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will seek new subpoena powers for watchdog agencies. The target will be the operations of the unaccountable Tzars managing health care and other important reforms in the government. Coot’s would prefer taking the Tzars out altogether but this is a first step to expose their activities and shine some light on their activities.

War Machines: Recruiting Robots for Combat

Robots are alive and well and working for the military.

U.S. and South Korea Begin Joint Naval Exercises

After last weeks attack of a South Korean island by North Korea, the joint naval exercises go on as planned. Nobody quite knows what to do with a destitute and paranoid nuclear power. No problem with crazy countries having the bomb. No need to worry about Iran either.

South Korea Experiences a Stirring for Revenge

Savage attack wakes South Koreans to reality that love is not the answer. After all these years or enabling the economy of North Korea by feeding the people, South Koreans are shocked, shocked to discover that people in the north are evil. It’s a little late for action however because by providing all that food aid for these years, North Korea was able to develop enough bombs to destroy the south. Oh, well.

So that is what the New York Times says is important today. Who are the coots to argue.


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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Sep 192011
USA Today
Image via Wikipedia

USA Today’s top headlines for this week are a mixed bag testing the Coot’s vast knowledge and experience with human affairs, politics and life.  Never fear, however, the coot’s won’t let you down.

Looking Ahead: The Week and Monday

There is lots going on.  Myanmar (Burma to real people) has finally released their most feared dissident after 15 years of house arrest.  No explanation of this change in tactics – perhaps it signals a ‘kinder, gentler’ kind of tyranny.  Maybe not.  President Obama continues his whirlwind Asia tour after wowing the adoring multitudes in India, Indonesia and South Korea.  Next stop Tokyo, then home to the folks that love him best- the lame duck congress meeting to lick their wounds .  Makes you proud to be an American.

Missing North Carolina girl found

By matching DNA from bones, police identified the body of a missing North Carolina girl.  No good news here at all.  The stepmother fabricated stories and the father seems up to no good- even though his misbehaving is apparently unrelated to the girl going missing.

Michigan Lottery Pays our record $268 million

This is the second week that Michigan has hit in the top headlines- maybe things are looking up for the automobile state.  Last week they were hammering alcoholic energy drinks.  This week they are giving out record  lottery payouts. Michigan is on the move. Michiganders, is this infusion of money going to boost the economy?

New Study shows that men fake orgasms

You wonder why people are upset about government waste?  Somebody committed our money for this study and who but the government would need a study to tell them something everybody knows.  Since the study was conducted by the University of Kansas, it does shed light on another interesting revelation – despite it’s reputation, Kansans do indeed have sex.

Supreme Court won’t touch Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

The President wants to end the current treatment of gays (Homosexuals, for real people) in the military.  Despite his promise to end the fakery of Don’t Ask, Don’t tell which has been the policy for years, he doesn’t have the guts to do it and take the credit.  He would rather let the activist judges in the courts do the dirty work.  Since it is already ricocheting around the courts, the Supremes are willing to let nature take it’s course.  Meanwhile our military is diverted as big policy changes are set by legal fiat rather than legislative deliberation.  Doesn’t anybody remember that we are at war?

Post Office Loss bigger than expected

Coot’s are shocked.  We expected the Post Office to be loosing money.  It’s what they do best.  Right after dropping your package and loosing your welfare check.  They are already not printing the stamp cost on postage.  Coot’s predict that postage will soon be priced like seafood at a restaurant – with a daily rate.

Clinton praises Bush’s new book

It’s an American tradition.  When we elect a new president, the old one writes a book.  It’s a great plan because it keeps the old presidents solvent once they leave office, not to mention that when they are writing a book they have little time to fuss about what a mess the current president is making.  Former presidents make a small, exclusive club and lately they have started cheering for each other.  Now Clinton chimes in to say that Bush 2’s new book is well-written and interesting.  Clinton must have a new one coming out.

Michigander challenges Marylander for head of GOP

In case you haven’t noticed, Coots just love saying Michigander (although we can’t help wondering if there are also Michigooses).  Michigan just can’t stay out of the spotlight. Lottery payouts, alcoholic energy drinks and now running the GOP. Maybe next they will invade Canada.

Obama leaves G20 Summit empty handed

If at first you don’t succeed, just keep failing. Our glorious leader has two strikes against him in his Asian adulation tour.  Next stop Japan.  Will he finally get a hit or will he strike out?   And then home for another Tea Party .

It looks like an exciting week ahead


Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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