
Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

Apr 022014

I witnessed a phenomenon in Wal-Mart tonight.  Maybe it was just Wal-Mart but there was a lady (term loosely used entirely based on gender and not the language) who was walking with a cart full of kids down the main aisle.  A guy with a couple of kids himself came out from a crossing aisle in front of her.  He said “Oh Sorry” as he got out of her way.  She replied with a few explicatives and “Fine just run over me!”

Now, you may be wondering what cantankerous lesson this could yield.  Well it is not the attitude of the woman, entirely.  She was what Ralph has referred to as an Angry Old Fart in this post. Now, what the man did was not cantankerous.  It was not even, well, very manly.

He meekly said, “I didn’t.” to the womans back as she was stalking away.  Now, the cantankerousness is available.  It should be used.  This situation left the woman, who was in the wrong (not by being a woman but by being a pain in the ass) with a feeling of superiority and self satisfaction.

I felt sorry for the guy and if I would have had a coots business card I would have given him the first 5 lessons at Coots University for free(it’s called foreshadowing kids, look it up), just to help this poor guy get his balls back from his wifes purse and be a man damnit!

I believe the correct response should have been something along the lines of, “You didn’t mind it last night!” or “Watch where you’re driving that stupid shopping cart you cow!”  Or even just “Same to you!” followed by a rude gesture or explosion of flatulence.

We are getting way too pacified people!  We let those few who think they are in charge brow beat the rest of us into giving in.  We let the medical community push us around under pretenses of patient confidentiality when it is all just a sham.  Why should people get away with being rude in any store when someone apologizes.

Sure, if you shop at all, there will be a moment when you step in front of someone or cut someone off or even walk out of an aisle too fast and nearly hit someone.  A polite “excuse me” or “sorry” should be sufficient to not make a federal case out of it.  Of course, there are those who want to push.

To them you can only respond with a “Same to you!” or “The sun seems to be going down would you mind bending over seeings as how the light shines from your ass?”

Take a stand.  Be a real person and not one of the faceless automatons who gives in to people who are louder or are seemingly more forceful.  Don’t just do what the nancy boys over in legal tell you you must do.  A coot says what he or she thinks.  A coot sticks to that.  Like we have said before, a true Coot will give the deserving party the Mapquest directions straight to Hell without passing go.

Quit being a ninny.

Watch for a huge, large, big, fantastic, stupendous, unprecedented announcement concerning this  site.  Stay tuned for more.



Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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Apr 022014
Groundhog Day 2005 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania
Image via Wikipedia

I hope everyone had a good break from the regular cantankerosity and enjoyed Heathers work.  She has some good rants on things us other Coots don’t think about.

Is anyone else out there getting tired of winter?  I know it has been very erratic around much of the US and still continues to be…strange weather to say the least.  Next Wednesday the weather prognosticator of all prognosticators will make his debut and tell us all whether we can look forward to 6 more weeks of winter or not.
Continue reading »


Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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Apr 022014
Salt Lake City at dusk
Image via Wikipedia

Sorry to use the crudity of text slang but this is a PG rated blog.  Today I found a story on one of our local news sites here in Salt Lake that justhas me shaking my head.  Apparently there is nothing, I repeat absolutely nothing that is happening in Utah so they get to report this.  You can read the text here but I will tell you the gist of it.

Apparently it is big news when the State Attorney General has cancer.  It is in extremely bad taste to announce that fact in freaking YOU TUBE video that was released by the State of Utah’s Attorney Generals office! And as if that isn’t bad enough, the news gets invited to report on the fact that said Attorney General had surgery to remove part of his colon.  I was scared to even look for a video of that, it is probably out there.

The end of the story not only gives his location but hints at his further treatments.  Come on already, let the guy have SOME modicum of privacy.  As a matter fact I don’t know why I am writing about it….I am just genuinely shocked that this was an actual news story.  Yet another reason to NOT get into politics or public office.

What do you guys think? I want opinions on this one.  I also want some questions to be asked at askacoot@cantankerousoldcoots.com!  Saturday is not that far away!


Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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Is it just me???

 Posted by at 09:41  Uncategorized
Feb 032014

Well ladies and gentlemen, it appears 2013 is here and ready to slap us in the face and or kick us in the proverbial crotch.   It has been 21 days now and despite slow mail and waning finances, 2013 looks to be just as full of crap as 2012 was.  With the notable exception of higher taxes that got signed into law earlier this month.

By now all of our fake “resolutions” should be down the drain and we are plugging along with the same old same old.  So let me ask all of you, are you still working on your “resolutions”?  Is your life getting better or is it the same old drudge with a new date that you screw up writing once in a while.

For some, January is filled with doctor visits.  We have had several because the flex spending renewed and the new insurance is in force.  I am killing time today just waiting to take my daughter to the doc for her tonsils.  That should be a fun post from the hospital.  Maybe they will give me a picture of her tonsils on the table that I can post along with her kidney pictures.  I used to wonder what it would be like to have my tonsils in a jar on the mantle piece.

So, a question.  Is it just me or is this year truly a new start?


Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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Jan 072014

** editors note, I don’t know what is with wordpress sometimes….this post is now 24 hours into trying to be published.  I hope it is this time**

When is it time to say enough is just e-freaking-nough?? (Sure the language is not as cantankerous as possible but we have to have some family decorum.  Like it or don’t.)

So I am on today about people who push themselves to be “Guru’s” in their field.  Now I know that this is the idea behind muchof the business we are in with blogging and product creation.  We have to make people respect us and want to pay for our opinions on things.  That is fine, go forth and create.  Just don’t fill us with bull crap along the way.

Now, this will make my wife mad but here is what has been bugging me.  Jillian Freaking Michaels.  Now it doesn’tmatter what her real qualifications are, she has set herself up to be the know-all, be-all of fitness and training.  Now I am not saying that this necessarily a bad thing.  That is what we are trying to do.  But there are extremes.

Ms. Michaels is just about EVERYWHERE now.  She is on 2 TV shows, has food supplements, a web site, a ton of fitness equipment and video games.  All geared toward making you feel bad about yourself.  I mean getting a person to lose weight because in her world, if you are not like her, you are a fat pig.

I guess what has really gotten me going about her is the smug, airbrushed, windblown poses that grace every product she puts her grimy name on.  I was listening to one of her radio show podcasts at the insistence of my wife and there was a caller who was on saying how she worshipped Jillian Michaels and how she was the best ever and how the sun rose and set in her pants, blah blah blah.

This is the problem I have with “guru’s”.  People get so star struck with the “big” names that they forget to be their own person.  That is a future Coots lesson by the way.

My biggest issue, just sticking your name on anything associated with your niche is not necessarily a good thing and tends to dilute credibility.  True cantankerosity comes when you can say, “Screw it, I am doing what I want and you can take all of this superfluous crap and shove it.”

Take hold of your stuff.  Make something great and quit trying to prove how great you are by branding everything you can think of.  The first Jillian Michaels jock strap that I see….somebody dies.

Now, go do something useful.



Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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