Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at and rants about politics at Most of the time, though, you'll find him at, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

Mar 072013

Sometimes corporations are their own worst enemies

English: Four ounces of low-grade marijuana, u...

You know, sometimes corporations just ASK for abuse

Anybody who reads very much of my stuff knows that I am a laissez-faire capitalist. I like capitalism. I support capitalism. I am a capitalist.

With that said sometimes capitalist… Corporations… Do some really stupid things and ask for the abuse they get. I’m talking about big corporations in general, but today I’m specifically talking about FedEx, Federal Express, and what some of their stupid people can do.

I read a news story in the Washington Post, and the headline pretty much tells the whole story. “Massachusetts woman sues FedEx over errorness marijuana delivery; says dealers looked for package”.

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Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at and rants about politics at Most of the time, though, you'll find him at, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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Feb 072013

This is the third of a three part post, an installment each week with this being the last installment.  The first installment can be seen here and the second here.  The article was originally posted in its entirety at Common Sense Conversation 

"The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor&...

and is reposted here in serial form by its author.  It is the author’s sincere belief that we citizens of the United States are about to lose this country, at least as far as we (think) we know it as the freest country on the planet…and that once lost, it will be impossible to recover.


What kind of “arms” was the 2nd Amendment talking about, and which people Continue reading »

Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at and rants about politics at Most of the time, though, you'll find him at, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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Jan 312013

This is the second of a three part post, an installment each week for the next two weeks.  The first installment can be seen here.  The article was originally posted in its entirety at Common Sense Conversation and is reposted here in serial

Cover of "Rules for Radicals"

Cover of Rules for Radicals

form by its author.  It is the author’s sincere belief that we citizens of the United States are about to lose this country, at least as far as we (think) we know it as the freest country on the planet…and that once lost, it will be impossible to recover.

To understand the “gun argument, you have to first understand the players in the game:

The pacifists

Like Neville Chamberlain, the prime minister of Great Britain in 1939, just prior to the start of World War II, there are those in the United States that believe in appeasing aggressors, be they tyrannical governments or neighborhood gang thugs, and who believe there is no need for an armed citizenry, who truly believe getting rid of guns will reduce violent crime and slaughter as in what happened at Sandy Hook.  These people, who would rather be peaceful, non-violent slaves rather than passionate defenders of the constitution, are fortunately the smallest in numbers, of the three groups involved in the gun debate, and are the least dangerous to the constitution because, as in every fight, they are ultimately pacifists and appeasers and will not fight, even for something they believe in.

These are the people Samuel Adams was speaking of when he said, “If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”

The constitutionalists

These are the people in the debate who believe in the rule of law, who believe that we are a nation of laws, not of men, and who would win the gun debate were it to be fought with reason and logic.  Oddly, this group of people are also the most moderate for that very reason…they believe in the rule of law and the principles ensconced in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  While this group (the author included) generally believe in the 2nd Amendment, they also acknowledge that there is a process by which the 2nd Amendment and legal gun ownership can be done away with…but that abolishment of gun rights should be done through the process of amending the Constitution, not by simply ignoring one of its precepts, if the right to “keep and bear arms” is to be done away with.

The radical left

This group, AKA “progressives” (though they are anything BUT progressive), should not be confused with Democrats, at least not “core” Democrats.  These are the collectivists, the “true believers” in a government that should be all controlling, all knowing, and obeyed without question.  These are the people Saul Alinsky was talking to in his book “Rules for Radicals” when he called for change at whatever the cost, when he said the end justifies the means…including if it means blood in the streets.

These are the people George Orwell was talking about in “1984”, the controllers in the 1971 Stanley Kubrick movie “A Clockwork Orange“.

Next week:  “Tell us about the 2nd Amendment (part 3, The Answers”.

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Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at and rants about politics at Most of the time, though, you'll find him at, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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Jan 242013

Starting this morning, the Coots went live! A new show…The Political Coot…will be streamed live every Monday at 10am eastern time on uStream on the channel The Political Coot.

The show will be recorded and put up as a recorded podcast here on by ABOUT noon, eastern time…and here is today’s show:

Show length: 14:16


Show notes:

0:35 introducton
0:50 collaboration
1:30 Show focus
2:00 The WWWWHW (Who, What, When, Where, How, Why) of the show
3:00 Explanation of interactivity
3:20 Viewpoint
4:30 Topic focus
8:00 Illegal veggies are a national security risk!
14:15 WDWFY. YWFU. (Watch the show…fid out)

Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at and rants about politics at Most of the time, though, you'll find him at, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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Nov 082012

We have a legeslature we hire when we vote them into office. It’s bad enough that we are pissing away our money by being corrupt liars in their actions, but they are lazy too. They work hard at not having to do what they were hired to do, and

Environmental Protection Agency Seal

Environmental Protection Agency Seal (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

one way they avoid work…and responsibility…is by handing responsibility AND POWER off to agencies that abuse that power and the people it is applied to:



A look at John Pozsgai’s battle with the EPA:

The EPA had enough of Pozsgai placing topsoil on his own land, so they set up secret surveillance video cameras to record some of the filling activity. Armed with this evidence and aerial photographs, the EPA had Pozsgai arrested and indicted in September 1988 for “discharging pollutants into waters of the United States.” Keep in mind that the “pollutants” consisted of earth, topsoil, sand, and clean fill. (Under the Clean Water Act, a child at the beach dumping a bucket of sand into the ocean is technically “discharging a pollutant into waters of the United States” and can be arrested for doing so without an EPA permit!) The EPA readily admits that no toxic or hazardous wastes were involved in this case.

note Mr Pozsgai died on October 11, 2011. He fought the EPA for 25 years, and died as his daughters continued the fight, speaking to a House committee on Government Abuse at the very moment he died.

From Businessweek Magazine:

The Sacketts say they were stunned. The owners of an excavation company, they had secured all the necessary local permits. And Chantell Sackett says that before work began, she drove two hours to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, to consult with an Army Corps of Engineers official. She says the official told her orally, though not in writing, that she didn’t need a federal permit. “We did all the right things,” she says.

The EPA issued an order requiring the Sacketts to put the land back the way it was, removing the piles of fill material and replanting the vegetation they had cleared away. The property was to be fenced off and the Sacketts would be required to submit annual reports about its condition to the EPA. The agency threatened to fine them up to $32,500 a day until they complied.

They won…but they lost…

Sackett v The EPA

You have a choice:

Believe in the “cradle top grave” federal government…believe that the government will take care of everything, and that this MUST be right because, after all, the government did ot, or…

Raise holy hell! I’ve been telling you how…have you listened? Are you willing to get off the couch, put down the chips and beer, turn off “American Idol” or todays MLB game, and DO SOMETHING, or are you just going to sit there, fat and happy, thinking things like this only happen to other people?

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Bob@HayleStorm Interactive

Bob comes to us with a skeptical attitude and a full cup of Cantankerousness. He also writes about homesteading and yurts over at and rants about politics at Most of the time, though, you'll find him at, cranking out great websites for clients OR writing tutorials teaching them to build their own sites.

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