Jul 072014

Tech problems abound in this coots house lately.  Hopefully most are solved.  Today I am not going into the tech world however.  Today I am more than slightly pissed off about a couple of things that I received in the good old US Mail today.

This is not about my mail carrier or anything like that.  Don’t shoot the messenger and cliches like that, but it is only about 30 yards from my desk to the mailbox….

Anyway, I get 2 letters in the mail today that just got me fired up.  The first was from our new dentist.  Some quick background, our old dentist just retired and he was of the old school that still used handwritten bills.  He didn’t charge very much and was fair about getting paid.  But he retired.  NOw we have this new guy.  Not a bad dentist but after this letter today I have serious misgivings about his office staff.  That is where I should be hiring out, to fix the bungling load of BS that some people let their office get into.
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Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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