Email thanks


Thank you for signing up and confirming your desire to be part of the Consortium of Cantankerous Old Coots.

We hope you will continue to enjoy the fruits of our Cantankerous labor and will soon join us as a Cantankerous Old Coot.

You will be receiving periodic e-mails from us with exclusive content for you, our subscribers as well as special offers and other bonus Cantankerosity.

I promise you that we will never sell or give away your e-mail address except in the most dire of circumstances and in the presence of a peace officer with a warrant.  Your information is safe with us, also you may opt-out of this list at any time, but we may make fun of you on the site.  Just kidding.

And Now, Here is the reason you signed up for this list in the first place.

Link–>This is the first training manual from the Cantankerous Old Coots University!<–Link

Click on the link to download the .pdf file before we decide to charge you for it.

Thanks again for supporting the Cantankerous Old Coots Website and thank you for joining our e-mail list!

-Justin and Ralph

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