May 312010

Something quick today.

There have been 3 days now that I have gone out to my mailbox and opened it only to find a very pissed off yellow jacket in it.  In some parts of the country they call them wasps, I usually call them those little suckers I can’t seem to kill enough of.

I am almost sure that my mailman put them there on purpose.   I don’t know what I have done to offend said mailman, or why he would want to put a yellow jacket in my mailbox but there it is.

So what do you think?  Should I confront him on this and ask nicely about the yellow Jackets?  Should I go running after him in a bathrobe waving a cane like come crazy old coot?  I know here we are cantankerous, maybe I should go out and wait for him by the mailbox today and give him a tongue lashing that will peel the siding from the neighbors house.

Maybe I should just deal with the fact my mailbox has a hole in the bottom and I should get that new one out of the basement and install it.  Besides, I can’t yell at him today, the mail doesn’t run on Memorial Day.

For all of you who have served in the military at any time, Thank You for your service, you have my deepest respect.

For all of those who have served freedom but haven’t made it back to the country that they loved, please give them a moment of silence on this Memorial Day.  Cantankerous or not, I would not be able to write this site without the freedom their sacrifices provide.

Thank you.

Now go Barbecue something delicious!



Justin is the young Coot with a Cantankerous Soul who continues to be educated by older, more cootish Ralph and Bob. His Cantankerosity is his own.

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  3 Responses to “My Mailman is trying to kill me!”

  1. Justin,

    I am thinking that you should make sure your mailbox is closed with no way of any yellow jackets to get in there. If there are still yellow jackets in there after that, I would for sure ask the mail carrier if he knows about this strange occurrence. Good luck and don’t get stung!

    .-= Jody Connell´s last blog ..I’d Like to go to Prague =-.

    • that is my motivation to get the new box installed, I think they are getting in through the crack in the bottom of the cheap old box.

  2. I think this means that you are getting too much of the wrong sort of mail – the kind that attracts wasps.
    .-= Ralph´s last blog ..Wake up and smell the – Roses =-.

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