Aug 052012

Where is the Summer Going? 

Welcome to the August 5 edition of the Coot’s News Service where we tell you the news that won’t make you want to hide in the closet. Where to start?  What say we take a bite out of crime.?


View of Downtown focused around the Goldman Sa...

View of Downtown focused around the Goldman Sachs Tower (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It seems that Mayor Bloomberg, not satisfied with telling New Yorkers what they can eat wants to leave another legacy when he moves on to better things. He has teamed up with Goldman Sachs to fight crime and if they succeed everybody wins. Imagine that!  Juvenile offenders stay out of jail and reform their ways, Goldman Sachs makes money and so do the taxpayers. It is just too good to be true.

Billionaires See Profit in Prisons, But It’s a Good Thing This Time

There is good news in robotics as well. It may not do anything to make your life better today but a new robotic hand may make life better for all of us in the future.

Dextrous robotic hand gets thumbs up

This last story isn’t exactly good news, just interesting. It seems that the Germans have a new invasion from North America. It’s not the barbaric, tasteless Americans either. It is cute, four-legged creatures with masks and the Germans have only themselves to blame.

Germany Overrun by Hordes of Masked Omnivores

The Masked Invaders

Happy August from the Coots. Bob promised to get back in the saddle (Yeah, I know we have heard that one before.) Justin, the harried stay at home Dad is too busy getting ready for school right now although I expect that the experience will provide many cantankerous moments to share. I can’t believe that kids go back to school in August these days. I don’t know how they have the nerve to call it Summer vacation when it has shrunk to the month of July. Kids should go on strike. And this all makes me wonder how the schools can complain about not having enough money and threatening to shorten the school year continue to make it longer and longer. Something doesn’t compute. I couldn’t be happier that my kids are all through with school.

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Ralph is the inspiration for Cantankerous Old Coots and is our Grand Duke of Cantankerousness

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